
Our team of consultants have deep industry experience of working for independent and multinational oil and gas operators, major service companies, large scale power generation companies, and with the UK Regulators for health, safety and the environment.

What we believe in

Scapa Energy make a difference to risk management

We know we can make a real difference to risk management and asset performance in the energy and high hazard industries.

Our hands-on, practical approach allows us to work in partnership to add value and provide evidence-based advice.

Who we are

Our highly experienced team of consultants ensure sound judgement and high standards of delivery for every assignment undertaken.

Within Scapa Energy, we also have a wider team of highly experienced associate consultants in addition to our core team. We have extensive experience with independent and multinational oil and gas operators, major service companies, blue chip power generation companies, and with the UK Regulators for health, safety and the environment.

Throughout our team, we value our relationships and are dedicated to providing real value to our clients.

Graham Walker

Graham Walker is an experienced energy professional and senior consultant with extensive operator and regulatory background. His unique mix of skills drives Scapa Energy’s capabilities to manage risk and deliver sustainable improvement to operating companies.

Stephanie Walker

Stephanie Walker has over 30 years’ experience of upstream oil and gas operations in a range of Technical, Regulatory and Senior Management roles. She has held senior positions in upstream operators and worked as an Inspector for the Offshore Safety and Offshore Environmental Regulators.

Bruce Webb
Associate Director

Bruce Webb is a fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers with nearly 30 years’ experience and executive expertise in Operations, Process Safety and Process Safety Leadership.

Bryan Cousland
Principal Consultant

With unique experience of leading investigations on behalf of major energy companies and the Health and Safety Executive, Bryan is a former master level investigator and Human Factors specialist who has worked on investigations of major incidents.

Wigdan Hamour
Principal Consultant

Wigdan has successfully led thorough and independent reviews of integrity management systems and offers clients extensive expertise in integrity management through her operator and consultancy background.

Kevin Steele
Principal Consultant

Kevin has three decades of experience of international oil and gas projects including within senior leadership positions, managing quality assurance, regulatory compliance and HSE delivery including product manufacturing to API licence.

Elie Diab
Principal Consultant

Elie is an experienced leader with over 30 years of technical and leadership experience in operations and engineering within the oil & gas industry. Before joining Scapa Energy he has held senior operational roles in some of the UK’s largest energy operators and consultancies.

Kerr Morrison
Principal Associate Consultant

Kerr has extensive experience in the oil & gas industry with senior leadership roles in subsurface, wells, area-development, project- management, operations, HSE, integrity, assurance and risk-management.

Clayre Christie
Technical Coordinator

Clayre Christie is a dedicated Office Manager drawing from a rich and varied background in technical administration. Her role involves both strategic management and hands-on support, ensuring that every administrative aspect of the organisation runs smoothly.