Your industrial risk assurance and capability partner.
The industrial sector is under pressure like never before to minimise risks to its people and the environment. Ensuring companies comply with all HSEQ regulations and are able to confidently demonstrate this, while continuing to drive performance throughout their organisation must be a key focus of all leadership teams.
Scapa Energy works with energy leaders to deliver a strategic, results-driven approach to asset assurance and hazard management. Working with them to strengthen organisational capability, providing practical insights into asset integrity and process safety from an individual asset to an enterprise-wide level and delivering the mechanism to embed sustained organisational learning.
Our trusted insights and honest feedback are proven to deliver continual organisational improvement. Our experience of working across the industrial sectors and for the auditor, complements in-house audit teams – providing additional support, oversight, and assurance.
Our innovative methods deliver lasting results by providing organisations with the processes, tools, and capabilities to be able to continuously improve their approach to asset assurance.
Understand Risk
Gaining a deep understanding of current risk and capability through a range of independent audit and assurance services.
Strengthen Capability
Building capability through leadership coaching, strengthening management processes and actual practices.
Learn from Events
Sometimes unplanned events do happen. We lead investigations and provide investigation coaching to maximise organisational learning.